Take Your Business Online: A Step-by-Step Guide

Taking business online is very important in today’s time. But at the same time it is also very easy. Today I am going to tell you the best tools along with step by step guide with the help of which your business can go online, and after knowing this you can still take your business online, so let’s start.

Now look, first of all the business will have to decide its goals, what type of business is yours? And according to that.

How do you want to list your business?

Let’s sapose if you have your own shop then you will focus more on getting your listing first on Google Maps, your listing should appear first in Google search.
But if you have a product based business, you do not have a shop, then you will work more on your E-commerce website, you will work on advertisements, you will work on Amazon, Flipkart listing, if you have a service based business then there will be cold mailing, or if you have a pod based website then you will pay more attention to it.

how do you want to go online?.

So first of all you have to decide these things about your business. First of all you have to start creating online presence of your business. For that we will learn about some free tools. If you are a shop owner then list your business on Google Map Business, through this your business will be listed in Google Map Google Search. So that customers can find you easily.
After that start creating social media accounts of your business, like Facebook, Instagram. Now start posting content on the social media accounts of your business and start telling people what you do. If you have a shop then start making videos about the shop. If you are giving some offer then start making videos, putting stories and uploading them about your shop.
If you have a product wise business or if you have a service wise business, then you will have to go the website way. If it is a product then first of all you will have to make an E-Commerce website where people will purchase their products. If it is a service wise business then a normal landing page will also work there which you can make easily.

This is how you can create a portable website using software like Canva. If you want to create an e-commerce website, you can use Shopify. If you really want to start professionally, you don’t have to do the website creation work yourself, you can hire an agency and it will be much easier for you.

Because if you are taking care of your business as well as taking time to learn all the things then you can get a website made by any professional also. And after that managing it is just like that. Adding your stock, managing the stock, managing the deliveries, you will be able to do it easily. But the website should be given to someone.

Now here your social media accounts are ready, website is created, your listing is done on Google, after this you need clients, many times it happens that even after creating content we do not get clients, then you will have to know about advertisement, for which you can use meta advertisement in which ad will run on your Facebook, Instagram, along with that you can use Google ads through which you can run ads of your products on Google, website, YouTube, you can bring purchases through your website, or you can bring leads for your services business.

If you have a shop, then you can also run your advertisement by targeting your city only. Through which the advertisement video will be shown only within your city and if someone gets interested after seeing that advertisement then he will come to your shop. Now the work of setting up this advertisement is a little easy but you can get this work done through any agency, you can also take help of any professional.

Which will manage the complete advertising for your business. Another thing to keep in mind is that all your social media platforms and websites should be well connected. The links of your websites should be visible on your social media platforms and what work you do. And all the information related to your social media and your email should be there on your website as well.

When you setup all these things, then leads start coming to you, messages from customers start coming to you on WhatsApp. Then you have to use automation, you can use WhatsApp automation, so that whichever customer messages you, its instant reply gets played. Whatever website you make, it also remains automated.

Customers come and place orders on the website, the orders reach you, you just have to package them and delivery is also out-of-the-box. You have to use out-of-the-box in all these things so that you can earn money. Your business will keep running even if you are sleeping.

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